What is LISS?

Over recent years there have been so many fitness fads, it’s tough to keep up on what is proven and what is less widely accepted as effective. You all know how I feel about HIIT workouts and the ability to boost your metabolism for days at a time, but it is unrealistic to assume that every day will be a “HIIT day”, as it will eventually take a toll on the body. In this blog, we will be learning about LISS cardio, or Low Intensity Steady State Cardio, and all it has to offer your fitness program.

First off, what is it? LISS cardio is something that can be performed for a longer duration - being that it is low intensity, it is less taxing to complete. If you are new to LISS cardio, expect to spend 15-20 minutes per session on it at first, and if you are advanced, more like 40-90 minutes per session. During these LISS sessions, your heart rate and oxygen consumption are stable, operating at approximately 65-70% of your max HR. The sweet spot is right around 135-140bpm, never exceeding 145. This type of cardio is slower for a longer duration, spending a moderate amount of time at moderate exertion. On a scale of 1-10, you should be at a 6, taxing, but able to speak full sentences without gasping.

Benefits of LISS cardio:

  1. As HR is stable and elevated over a sustained period, mitochondria grow in number and size, increasing efficiency of oxygen use in muscles.

  2. Increases endurance and heart strength by exercising the muscle for a longer period of time at a tolerable pace. The cardiac muscle is conditioned without intense stress.

  3. Contributes to weight loss by adding to the amount of overall calories burned. Longer durations of LISS cardio still burn a lot of calories and require energy and movement, and we know burning calories leads to weight loss.

  4. Keeps your fitness programming diverse. Though HIIT workouts are incredibly effective in a short amount of time, you reach your max effort and physical limit fast. LISS cardio is a great recovery buffer between HIIT workouts so that you don’t overdo it or risk muscle strain or injury, while still expending energy and burning calories.

The only real downsides to LISS cardio are:

  1. It’s not the fastest way to lose weight. LISS cardio is incredibly effective at burning calories, but it takes a lot of time.

  2. You won’t build any muscle training LISS cardio, and we know muscle burns fat and is really the only way to lose weight and keep it off longterm. For more benefits of resistance training, scroll below to my blog on resistance. The benefit of HIIT is that you get a cardio workout and resistance workout in one, in a short time, but it’s unrealistic to assume this can be done daily without burnout, physically and mentally.

Important things to note about LISS cardio: It should be performed on a flat surface at a constant pace once the target HR is reached. The best ways to perform LISS outdoors are walking, jogging/running, hiking, and biking. Indoors, using the elliptical, rower, or stair stepper are the best ways to get a beneficial LISS workout in.

So whether you’re a heavy lifter, serial HIIT performer, or are brand new to fitness, if you’re trying to lose weight or build endurance, LISS cardio has a place in your programming, even if it’s used for active recovery.

Katelyn Romanowych