The Power of Online Coaching in a Digital World

Nowadays, more than ever, people are trying to accomplish much in a short, finite timeframe. In this blog I’m going to outline some of the benefits of joining an online coaching program to jumpstart or continue your fitness journey.

  1. Time is arguably the greatest barrier for people trying to fit exercise and healthy diets into their lives. With online coaching, travel time is eliminated, and flexibility is capitalized on. Workouts can be completed at the client’s leisure rather than working around a coach’s schedule.

  2. There is constant support and accountability, and when possible, training sessions can be completed via zoom. This type of training is often tracked meticulously, as trainers aren’t face to face with clients on a regular basis. Coaches are careful to be in constant communication with clients to avoid bad habits creeping in.

  3. Online coaching can be more affordable than in person training (service dependent).

  4. Compliance and consistency can be achieved with schedules and timelines - building lasting habits.

  5. Goals can be achieved more efficiently if plans are followed properly.

Overall, there is value with in person training, however, no client can be in the gym all the time. With online training, all workouts are effectively planned and maintained for the entire week rather than a couple sessions per week. The best of both worlds would be a combination of in person and online coaching, where a couple sessions per week are spent in the gym, and at home workouts and nutrition are tracked remotely.

Katelyn Romanowych