Stick It!
Ah, a new year, the time everyone decides to completely upheave their lives in the name of self-improvement. Seriously, though… there is something fresh and exciting about a new year and unlimited potential. As I always say, bettering yourself doesn’t require a new date, but if that’s what gets you going, I’m here to help you see it through to fruition. This blog is all about how to stick with your resolutions and ensure that they aren’t dreamed up in vain.
Choose few goals - Always start with one goal at a time, as it takes about 30 days to build a habit. The more goals you have, the more moving parts to keep track of. Don’t set yourself up for failure by complicating things. The simpler the better.
Make your goals specific - If you have a goal to lose weight, saying, “I want to lose weight,” is a pretty broad statement. Theoretically, if you lose one pound, you met your goal. Choosing a goal more along the lines of, “I want to strength train 3-5x weekly, and perform cardio 3x weekly with a goal of losing 50 pounds this year,” you have specific and measurable avenues of achievement.
Set milestone goals - Don’t just aim to lose 100lbs and count every other pound along the way as a loss. Setting small goals like 5lbs, 10lbs, 25lbs, etc., will motivate you to keep going. If it keeps you moving, throw yourself a party every time you hit one. Or just give yourself a reward that won’t mess with your continued progress. Additionally, placing timelines on smaller goals gives you something to work toward with rewards coming more frequently.
Create a habit loop - This fits nicely with the previous milestone point - give yourself a cue (a goal), create a routine (plan), and a reward (when you attain the goal). This becomes the default action.
Tap into your purpose - This could arguably be the first bullet point because it is integral to your success. Your “why” is the entire reason you do what you do. Without this, moving forward when things become tough or undesirable will be nearly impossible. Why are you going after this goal? What does it mean to you?
Make yourself accountable - Find someone, or a circle of people, that will consistently push you to be your best - don’t post your goal on social media, receive praise for recognizing a change needs to be made, and never receive motivation the rest of your journey. It’s great to be self-motivated, but most people aren’t. Find people that truly want to see you succeed, or hire yourself a coach.
Be realistic - Rome wasn’t built in a day. Most big changes are going to take time to yield results. Be patient and consistent. Where motivation falls short, discipline will be vital to your success.
Make a plan - As they say, “fail to plan, plan to fail.” Without a method to your madness, it is likely to become overwhelming at some point. Take the guesswork out of your day-to-day and make a firm plan before you start your goal.
Remember that change is a process - If it was easy and instantaneous, everyone would do it. Going outside of your comfort zone is what will lead you to a side of yourself you maybe never thought you’d ever meet. Let your potential drive you when things become mundane. The truth is that the winners see results largely by doing the same things repeatedly.
Believe in yourself to make it happen - You are the only one with skin in the game in your own goal and development. Never allow yourself to believe that you can’t achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed of, if you’re willing to put in the work.
Happy New Year, friends. I hope you crush your goals by the end of 2024 and shock yourself with how badass you truly are.