Staying the Course on Vacation

One of the most difficult obstacles to manage is maintaining a proper training and nutrition regimen when you’re outside of your normal routine. For the 1% of people that practice consistent habits, a week-long vacation isn’t going to derail progress or maintenance. In fact, periods of detraining are actually good for the average person. If you’re planning to take a trip, mentally preparing to give yourself some grace will go a long way. Enjoying vacations is one of the ways to build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, and this means some deviation at times.

Knowing that there will be times of indulgence, here are some tips to help keep you somewhat on track while you’re away:

  1. Bring your own snacks - It’s easy to run to a grocery store and make sure you have healthy snack options available. This could look like fresh produce, protein bars, deli meat, nuts, etc.

  2. Avoid alcohol as much as possible - For sure enjoy the occasional beverage while on vacation, but try to keep from drinking in excess every day of your trip. Alcohol provides a lot of calories and nothing else.

  3. Eat breakfast - Setting your metabolism up to work for you will be key in maintaining while you’re away. It’s also a great way to eat a meal before being on the go all day, and keep from binging later on.

  4. Allow yourself a treat daily - After all, this is your vacation, and you deserve to enjoy it! This will also keep you from over-consuming the not-so-great for you options. When we deprive ourselves, we often overdo it when we eventually have the chance.

  5. Cook as much as you can - If you happen to be staying at an Airbnb, or somewhere with a kitchen space, try to eat a couple home-cooked meals and snacks and maybe eat dinners out, or a few dinners out. You will feel better, spend less, and keep the progress you’ve worked for.

  6. Stay hydrated - Making sure to drink enough water will go a long way with satiety and feeling well overall. Drinking water can suppress appetite and increase metabolism, helping you burn more calories.

  7. Walk as much as possible - Depending on the type of vacation you’re taking, there may be ample walking in store, or none at all. Taking the stairs when possible and walking instead of driving will help keep your step count up while allowing you some R&R.

  8. Make it a priority to get your exercise in - Even if it looks a little different than usual, any amount of movement is better than nothing. Don’t expect PR’s while you’re out of your element, but do your best to maintain the progress you’ve made if possible.

  9. Get adequate sleep - Our bodies do a lot of work while we’re asleep to maintain homeostasis. Hunger hormones are regulated during sleep, and much of muscle protein synthesis is also done while asleep. Even being sure to get at least 6 hours per night will help with this.

  10. Have fun - You only live once, so while you should try to protect your most precious investment (your body), you should also enjoy your time away!

Katelyn Romanowych